Calikaan GmbH collects personal information in a variety of ways when you place an order or register for services offered by Pink Gin.
By registering, you accept the collection of your personal information by Calikaan GmbH
In order to process your order and complete your order, for each order placed we must collect and store the following information; your name, email, home, shipping and billing address and telephone number.
Shipping information such as your address, email address and phone number may be shared with courier services. This information is shared to provide you with the best possible service and will not be passed on by our couriers to third parties for any other purpose.
Credit card and bank details will never be shared with third parties and will only be used to process your order.
Calikaan GmbH does as much as possible to guarantee the security, integrity and privacy of the information you provide to us. We never sell your information to third parties for marketing purposes.